Hope Online

Hope Clinic

Psychiatry and psychotherapy clinic

✓ Quality therapy
✓ Specialized treatment programmes for every disorder
✓ We treat every mental disorder
✓ We use only treatment methods that are scientifically proven to be effective
✓ International award-winning clinic for best practice in medicine

Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
for Children

The psychological development and happiness of children and adolescents are extremely important for parents and the whole family. Find here information about the aspects of their mental life that worry you and the most appropriate solutions so that they can find peace of mind and grow up healthy and balanced.

Adult Psychiatry
and Psychotherapy

We know, as you do, that mental and emotional health is essential for a harmonious and happy life. Find here complete information about symptoms and the most effective treatments, as well as the guidance you need until you regain your balance.

How do you feel?

Do you sometimes feel like you have no air? Knot in the neck? Palpitations? Dizziness?

Are you convinced you have a serious illness?

Do you sometimes feel like you’re having a heart attack or going crazy? Do you have panic attacks?

You may have an anxiety disorder and not know it!

You are not alone, 1 in 4 people suffer from some form of anxiety.

Have you gradually become sadder? No more energy? Do things that used to make you happy now leave you cold?

Do you cry a lot?

Do you wonder if life is still worth living or do you even have thoughts of suicide?

It may be an emotional disorder with depressive symptoms or even depression!

Depression can be successfully resolved.

Have you had periods of increased energy, with lots of plans, impulsiveness and thoughts „running” through your head?

Times when you didn’t feel the need for sleep and those around you didn’t understand? Have you also gone through periods of depression, no strength and no zest for life?

These alternations may be signs of a chemical imbalance called bipolar disorder ! It is a condition that can be treated safely and effectively.

Find out how you can be sure whether or not you have bipolar disorder

Is someone dear to you going through a period where they are strongly advocating impossible or improbable things (e.g. they believe they are being stalked, attacked, targeted)?

Do they behave and speak strangely, unintelligibly or illogically? Are they withdrawn into their world? Do they feel or believe that they are being talked about on TV/radio or that people are reading their mind?

They may be signs of a psychotic episode, which is a major factor in the severity of mental disorders. We can help guide on what to do and how you can help…

Are your emotions so intense that they become an unbearable pain?

Does your life feel like a perpetual emotional crisis? Do you get angry easily and do things you regret later? Have you often thought that your life is pointless or not worth living?

If you answered „YES” to most of the above, then you most likely suffer from BORDERLINE personality traits or disorder. Our clinic is the ONLY CLINIC IN ROMANIA THAT IS SPECIALIZED in the treatment of this disorder. Find out everything you need to know..

Do you have a restless sleep?

Can you only fall asleep with great difficulty? Do you get up much earlier as a result? Do you have frequent nightmares? During the day, are you tired, nervous, or you have trouble concentrating?

Sleep disturbances are very common (and normal) in times of stress or emotional distress, but can be the initial signs of more serious disorders (anxiety, depression, etc). Studies over the last 5 years link our sleep rhythm directly to our mental health! With the help of a specialist, discover how you can get a restful sleep again.

Severe concentration difficulties?

Do you have problems at work or in relationships because of these reasons? Do you find it hard to follow instructions or finish what you set out to do? Are you frequently nervous, anxious or agitated? Were you told you were a „head in the clouds” child or a restless one who „couldn’t sit still”?

You may have ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), a condition that starts in childhood but persists into adulthood. Up to 6% of adults may suffer from ADHD without knowing the cause of their lifelong suffering. Find out how you can test and treat yourself..

How do you feel?

Services of the Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Clinic


In some cases, the doctor’s or therapist’s diagnosis is verified by psychological tests.

Their role is to provide the most accurate information possible on the seriousness of the patient’s condition.

Based on your doctor’s recommendation, find out which tests can help you.



Clinica de psihiatrie si psihoterapie - PROGRAME DE TRATAMENT
Psychotherapy and psychiatry clinic - TREATMENT PROGRAMS

Borderline Personality Disorder is treatable.

Treatment of this disorder involves a program that is only available within our services country-wide, based on dialectic-behavioral therapy (DBT), which contains psychotherapy, psychiatry, and psychoeducation.

Over 220 international studies show that DBT minimizes dangerous behavior, amount of emotional discomfort, and significantly improves quality of life.

„Navigând între poli” („Navigating the poles”) is a program focused on treating bipolar disorder, by consolidating a complete bipolar disorder management system, where psychiatrists and psychotherapists tightly collaborate for a personalized treatment program.

Complex information along with a balanced lifestyle can lower the rate of reencountering new episodes by up to 40%.

The program includes psychiatry and psychotherapy components, as well as psychoeducation lessons.

Program de tratament pentru schizofrenie.

Schizophrenia isn’t curable, but it is treatable.

This program can help improve the patient’s condition and social life by up to 60%.

It includes training courses on improving social skills, which are found uniquely within our services in Romania.

Psychoeducation and psychotherapy workshops, specially created for all people who suffer of anxiety disorders and/or panic attacks.

This program uses knowledge and skills from neurobiology, psychotherapy, and mindfulness, in order to offer you the most relevant information and techniques needed to successfully treat anxiety and panic attacks.

A 12-week psychotherapy program, specially created for people who suffer from depressive disorders.

Our program is built on cognitive-behavioral therapy techniques (CBT), transactional analysis, mindfulness, and psychiatry.

A psychological method that provenly reduces stress, anxiety, and even physical pain, that’s not only used in all important psychotherapy and chronic illness clinics, but also in schools and kindergartens.

Mindfulness and radical self acceptance principles developed by Marsha Linehan are being taught within dialectic-behavioral therapy (DBT).

The program consists of both theory and practical exercises, that lead to a more mindful lifestyle, step by step.

A psychological education program for parents, based on numerous studies made in the field of attachment theory.

It has the role to help parents or guardians build securing relationships with their children, with a focus on understanding behavior determined by needs, and the actions that are to be taken in this direction.

An intervention for normalizing feelings, behavioral problems, impulsivity, and teenage relationships.

The program is based on dialectic-behavioral therapy, which is a combination of cognitive-behavioral therapy, and the practice of mindfulness.

It revolves around developing emotional management abilities, mindfulness, finding the middle path, crisis management, and interpersonal relationships.

The Blended Families program is specially created to aid people currently facing the difficulties of divorce with the creation of new, more healthy relationships.

The traumas that come with divorce don’t have to affect you for the rest of your life! The program will help you strengthen relationships you have with your partners and children alike.

Meet the Specialists of Hope Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Clinic

Dr. Gabriella Bondoc

Primary Care Physician Psychiatrist – 13 years
Psychotherapist – 10 years
Founder Hope Clinic
Founder Romanian Association of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

Dr. Manuela Hozoc

Primary Psychiatrist – 28 years
University Assistant – 3 years
University Preparator in the Department of Psychology UITM – 1 year

Asist. Univ. Dr. Laura Mateescu

Primary Care Physician Psychiatrist – 15 years
Doctor of Medical Sciences Psychotherapist – Family Systemic Therapy
Founding Member – Romanian Association of Perinatal Psychology and Psychiatry

Alice Dima

Psychotherapist – 14 years
Training – Transactional Analysis & Ericksonian Clinical Hypnosis Trainer Practitioner Certified ThetaHealing Advanced Radiant
Technique Therapist – grade 1+2

Advice and recommendations from our doctors

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Psychiatry and psychotherapy clinic in Bucharest, Cluj and Iasi